Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Types of exercises

Some of the exercises that can be done are Oblique twist, Chest fly and Squat with the wall. One can perform aerobic exercises, strength training, Pilates, yoga with the help of it. They are comfortable and supportive can be done along with dumbbells, hand balls etc. they can be easily combined with other simple props and instruments for exercising

Don't expect to lose a lot of weight by exercising. Many people believe that exercise is a good way to lose weight. This is not so. Fifteen minutes of moderately vigorous exercise will only burn approximately 100 calories, which is equivalent to 2 teaspoons of olive oil or two-thirds of a can of soda. One hour of walking at a brisk pace will burn about 300 calories, which is equivalent to a 3.5 oz. (100g) plain croissant. Running a 20-mile marathon does not burn enough calories to lose one pound of fat. You need 10 hours of moderate exercise to burn the calories equivalent to one pound of fat, but you cannot selectively burn only fat. Most of the weight lost by exercising is due to dehydration (sweat or perspiration), and this weight is regained as soon as you drink water.

The best way to lose body fat weight is through diet as discussed in the Weight Control section. Dieting alone reduces fat and bone mass, whereas dieting in combination with exercise stimulates muscle growth, shifts the ratio of fat to muscle in the body, and helps maintain bone density during weight loss.[6] In addition, exercise induces the release of endorphins which produce a feeling of well-being. Approximately 30 minutes per day of vigorous aerobic exercise has been shown to be an efficacious treatment for mild to moderate major depressive disorder (MDD).[9] The objectives of exercise are:

•Maintain or improve coordination, balance, and flexibility
•Build or maintain muscular endurance and strength
•Improve cardiovascular and pulmonary health
(cardiorespiratory or aerobic endurance)
•Feel well and have a better mood

It's axiomatic that the exercises which give you the best results are always the hardest ones to do. If you want a huge back you row and deadlift. If you want huge legs, you squat OR you do THIS leg exercise that almost no one wants to do because its one of the hardest of them all

Here's the main 6 benefits that you can expect if you regularly use the stepper machine:
•Toned and defined buttocks - As your bum and legs and doing most of the work, you can except that most of the benefits would be in the lower body. It will define and tone your lower half and it will give you a rear view to be proud of.
•Leaner and firmer legs and thighs - Your legs and thighs will also become leaner and firmer and more toned with each step that you take. In particular your quads, hamstrings, calves and inner and outer thigh will become leaner and firmer.
•Burns calories - It will also help you to burn more calories than before. And if you also follow a healthy, balanced diet, you may start to lose some weight.
•Burn fat - You may also lose some fat if you use the machine regularly and you eat right. You may also notice that you become leaner looking with regular practice.
•Reduce stress and anxiety - When you exercise regularly, your body produces a hormone called dopamine. This is a feel good hormone that will help you to feel instantly better.
•Improves cardiovascular fitness levels - Regular practice with the stepper machine will also help you to improve your fitness levels. And it will make your lungs, heart and your cardiovascular system healthy and strong

Bicycling has several advantages over other exercises:

Cycling exercises the heart better than walking without the pounding of jogging.
One can ride a bicycle almost anywhere, at any time of the year, and at low cost.
Little or no time has to be lost, as bike travel can be used to get to work, perform errands, or enjoy the outdoors.
Commuting by bike reduces pollution that causes asthma and bronchitis. A commuting cyclist is also less exposed to air pollution than a commuting motorist.
On the down side, cycling does involve some risk of injury which has been greatly exaggerated by fearmongers. Cycling actually has similar risks to traveling by automobile. The British Medical Association has estimated that the health benefits of cycling outweigh the risks by twenty to one.

One very interesting question is how much aerobic exercise should one get every day? Some medical authorities recommend as little as 20 minutes a day, three times a week, while others recommend 2,000 kCal, which would be at least four times that amount. Why the great difference? Well, most authorities recognize the more exercise the better up to some undetermined point, but many are afraid that if they expect too much, people won't exercise at all. Another reason for lowering the recommendation was due to the damage caused by jogging, a problem cycling does not share. I am afraid that those setting very low requirements are giving people the mistaken impression that they don't need any more exercise than their usual, basically sedentary activity.

How much exercise do I recommend? I find that 45 minutes of cycling six days a week (about 2,000 kCal) keeps me feeling good, but not great, two hours per day keeps me very strong and controls my weight, and six hours a day on my bicycle trips makes me feel like superman after several weeks. We might say that lower amounts of exercise improve one's health and higher amounts improve one's fitness. I would recommend a minumum of 45 minutes a day and as much addition cycling as time permits. The time spent cycling will not be wasted; in addition to having a good ride, the cyclist will be more productive during the remaining time and will live longer as well

When you exercise, you will not only be improving your fitness, health, appearance and confidence, you will also be improving your mood. Exercise can boost your state of mind, and even help to fight depression. It doesn’t require a long, drawn out period either. You can see these benefits with just 20 minutes a few times per week.

Treadmills of course are also beneficial because of how individualized you can make your workout. You can adjust all kinds of settings, including the speed at which you’re walking or jogging. This allows you to adjust for the kind of intensity you’re seeking, and your current level of fitness and experience. Even if you always want to be walking and not running, you’ll still be burning calories and improving your health.

You will also be able to adjust the incline settings of most treadmills. When you decide to walk or run at an incline, you will really be raising the intensity of your workout, and adding a new challenge. You will also be targeting different muscles in your legs, providing for a more complete lower body workout.

Treadmills are one of the easiest pieces of exercise equipment to use. Once the machine is assembled it is as simple as getting on and walking or running.

Not all treadmills are electric. There are manual versions of treadmills available. The benefits of a manual treadmill as opposed to an electric version are much the same. The only difference is that with the manual treadmill you will find yourself working a bit harder to get the belt to move. This in itself is a benefit because it requires a bit more exertion on the part of the person exercising

•The ball being not stable has to be balanced with the body with the perfect spinal posture. Sitting on it helps the body to align in proper posture, which reduces back pain and improves spinal strength.
•Quick stretch and mini workouts can be easily done. Sitting on it develops balance, core strength and it works on multiple abdominal muscles.
•Exercising with a ball will improve the flow of blood in the body. It can be used for total body workout as legs, arms, chest, back, abdomen and even a cardio workout can be done with an effortless ball.
•It is noticed that over a period of time there is improvement in muscle tone, endurance, flexibility, weight and coordination. This is due to greater range of motion and dynamic positions that can be easily attained.
•It also facilitates in improvement in breathing techniques, it is indeed convenient to use and a great fun too.
•It is an inexpensive piece of equipment that proffers a total body workout. Prices ranges from $10 to $200 and can hold up to 1000 pounds of static weight. A wide range of exercises can be done and people of all age groups can take advantage from it.
•These balls are popular for their strength, quality and durability. They are appealing to every one on account of unique shape and bright colors. Kids can play with them, as they are safe and enjoyable.
Some tips: -

Before buying one should try the ball that is suitable according to ones size, it should be firm and strong. Exercising becomes difficult with a much harder ball. Start with a soft ball not the one that is overly inflated. The size of the ball largely depends on ones height.

At present therapists, medical specialists, fitness instructors very much recommend the use of Swiss ball in exercises. Have a great ball with your fitness ball and enjoy and have fun in your exercising regime

Benefits of Cross Training

•Reduces exercise boredom
•Allows you to be flexible about you training needs and plans (if the pool is closed, you can go for a run instead).
•Produces a higher level of all around conditioning
•Conditions the entire body, not just specific muscle groups
•Reduces the risk of injury
•Work some muscles while others rest and recover
•Can continue to train while injured
•Improves your skill, agility and balance
What exercises should make up a good cross training routine?

•Cardiovascular Exercise (Think about adding three different exercises from the list below):
•Stair Climbing
•Rope jumping
•Skating (inline or ice)
•Racquetball / basketball / other court sports
•Strength Training
•Calisthenics (push ups and crunches and pull ups)
•Free Weights
•Tubing and Bands
•Flexibility (stretching, yoga)
•Speed, agility, and balance drills
•Circuit training, sprinting, plyometrics and other forms of skill conditioning
With cross training, you can do one form of exercise each day, or more than one in a day. If you do both on the same day, you can change the order in which you do them. You can easily tailor cross-training to your needs and interests; mix and match you sports and change your routine on a regular basis.

Exercise can strengthen the cardiovascular system, bones, muscles, joints, reduce body fat and improve flexibility, balance and coordination. But if you want to see all of these benefits, you'll need to start cross training. What better time to start than now? I hear your friends have taken up snowboarding.

Fitness Rowing Machines

These days, you can find numerous workout machines which can help you to achieve your desired fitness goal. However, if you want to acquire excellent cardiovascular benefits then you should attempt to do rowing machine workouts. Besides works your cardiovascular, fitness rowing machine also provides you various health benefits such as a low impact workout, endurance improvement, increasing stamina and so forth.

Performing rowing machine exercise is highly regarded because it uses muscles from all of your major muscle groups as well as strengthens and tones muscles in your arms, shoulders, legs, stomach and back. Hence, this kind of workout allows you to burn off much of calories in your body simultaneously.

Fitness rowing machine provides you great cardiovascular advantages as you’re increasing the heartbeat by performing consistent exercise and motion on the device for over a period of time. When your arms back and forth move repetitively as rowing movements, the circulation to your heart is increased. As a result, it’ll improve your heart health.

Rowing is a low impact exercise where its uniform movements put little stress on your joints and muscles. Therefore, it is well suited for anyone at any fitness level. Nevertheless, like any other workout, stress and strain may occur in case you perform the exercise improperly.

When considering purchasing a rowing machine, it will be a good idea for you to do some research on the different kinds of them.

Benefits: -