Saturday, October 16, 2010

Standing Trunk Twists

This is a good aerobic-type exercise that will help get your heart rate up as well as burn some calories in your middle.

1. Stand with your feet about a foot apart and knees relaxed.

2. Twist your torso to the left while keeping your hips and legs as stable as possible. As you twist to the left, cross your right arm in front of your body in a punching motion.

3. Twist back to the right and cross your left arm over your body in a punching motion.

4. Do 100 reps.

The Bottom Line:Just like getting rid of belly fat, love handles will only firm up if you start increasing your body's metabolism by exercising 3-4 times per week for at least 30 minutes. This does not only include crunches, sit ups, etc but aerobic-type exercises that will get your heart rate up.

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